Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? I got you!

What is the investment, and do you offer payment plans?

Our website design packages start from $3500 CAD and increase in price depending on the package selected for your requirements. For projects booked at least 3 months in advance this can be broken into a payment plan to offset the cost.

What platforms do you build websites in?

I build websites in Squarespace, Showit and Shopify. Squarespace and Showit both offer easy to learn, drag and drop builders that empower you to take control of your website. I recommend Shopify to customers that require an e-commerce solution. We can discuss your requirements in my no obligation discovery call.

Will you help me with my content?

As part of my project package you will receive my content preparation guide and templates. We will have a content discovery call where I can guide you and give you tips for writing your content. Hate writing? No problem, we’ll connect you with a copywriter that can turn your ideas into magic client winning words.

Do you set up third party integrations?

No. I am able to help you decide which software will best suit your needs, but the set up is not included. This includes email marketing software, scheduling tools or CRM systems such as Dubsado or Honeybook

Can you design just a logo?

I do not design one off logos. I believe your business is best represented by a full brand and website design that speaks uniquely to you and your business. We will develop consistent designs and strategy across your assets, building trust between you and your customers and giving you the best value for investment.

How many clients do you work with at a time?

My project slots are a one-to-one service. This means during your design slot you are my only client. I feel this is the best way to connect with your brand and design, so that we can both get the most out of the project. It also allows me to answer your questions and concerns quickly without distractions from other projects.

Does the cost of your package include everything I will need?

The cost of the packages is for my design services and everything listed under the package only. As with any website there are ongoing monthly or yearly costs that you will be paying to keep your website live. This includes but is not limited to domain fees and hosting fees paid to the company we build the website with. I can help guide you through what these ongoing costs will be.

How long is the process?

The length of your project slot is determined by the requirements of your project. Typically my full branding and website package is 3-4 weeks and a standalone website package 2 weeks. This does not include the time before your project slot where we will be working to gather all of your content and set intentions and goals for your project.

When can we get started?

I am typically booking 1-2 months in advance. This might seem like a ways down the road, however this can be the perfect amount of time to prepare everything we need to get started before your project slot. 

I am ready to get started, what does booking look like?

Once you fill in the inquiry form you will be sent a link to book a discovery call. This call is a bit of a vibe check to see if we would work well together and to discuss your specific project requirements and project dates. 

After this call if you are ready to go ahead I will send through a contract and a 30% deposit invoice to hold your design slot. Upon payment and signing of your contract you will receive a welcome package with all of the information and guides you need to get started collecting your content.

I have more questions, what now?

If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to reach out via the inquiry form and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Let's Get Started

Now booking projects for Q2 2024